Western Petroleum supplies competitively priced furnace oil to residential homes and businesses throughout Newfoundland as well as Stove oil where available.
Delivery Options: Minimum Delivery & Automatic Delivery
Western Petroleum understands that everyone has different requirements and that is why we offer a minimum delivery requirement of 227 litres.
Our drivers will ensure you do not run out of fuel this winter. We will monitor your oil consumption along with the temperatures outside and fill your tank based on that information. We also deliver at a requested interval, such as once per month, once every two or three weeks, etc. Whatever your requirement you may have or prefer, Western will accommodate!
Western Petroleum offers bulk gasoline deliveries in some areas to accounts that have on-site fuel storage facilities.
Diesel fuel is available through truck delivery. We consider ourselves delivery specialists in the supply of diesel to construction vehicles, fishing vessels and road transport vehicles.
Western Petroleum also offers dyed diesel for clients who do not use their vehicles on the highways. Mining, agriculture, construction and fishing industries can sometimes reduce their costs by using dyed diesel fuel.
Marine Gas Oil is available for delivery to fishing and supply vessels along with our Lubricants.
Purchase a gift card at any Western Petroleum office or participating service station.